*Cracking Knuckles*

Well, well, well…. I don’t really have a good excuse at all.


Sadly, my blog has taken the backseat in my life for sure. Between finishing college (got the degree in August but walking this Sunday), starting a job (ahhhh!!), and other life events, writing on here seemed to slip my mind.

Unfortunately, with a big girl job comes writing a lot for a company and writing very little for myself. I do have some material from the last semester and such that I may start to post and I would love everyone’s feedback again.

Also, I am so excited to announce that one of my poems is going to be published in an upcoming anthology of Atlantic City memories! Once it is in print, I will be sure to include a link on here.

Overall, I vow to make a conscience effort to make time for my blog and personal writing. So, hopefully, everyone is still around…. hello….anybody?
